Stretching after baseball

Well, it appears I need some cardio! Running bases is harder than it looks!
Team All Blacks won their first game of the season – Yay!

To ease leg muscles, I prefer to use my heat pad. After they’re warm, I gently stretch the front of my thigh (Quadriceps group) by bringing my heel to my butt. With your hands on a wall for stability, keep your knees together and stand tall and tuck you tail bone under you.
To stretch the back of my thigh (Hamstring group) I sit up straight on the edge of a chair with one leg extended in front of you. Slowly, bring your toes to your nose without lifting your heel off the floor. You should feel some pulling at the back of your knee or in the Hamstring muscle.

A stretch should feel uncomfortable (3-4 out of 10) but never painful. Ease up if you start to feel pain.
By stretching every day, my muscles will gradually lengthen to the point where the above stretches aren’t as effective. I will share more advanced stretches in future posts when I know I can complete the stretch without hurting myself!
What activity do you prefer to stay active?